A fullstack developer solving business problems with JavaScript and PHP. I love to learn and document my learning journey
The Provider Pattern In VueJS · In VueJS and many other frontend frameworks, we use the props down approach where data that needs to be accessed by a...
How to organize your OpenAPI files · Prologue I recently learned about how to use swagger-cli to to create a node application and I was eager to try it...
In this tutorial you are going to learn the data types that are available when using OpenAPI to define your API specification. In one of my posts, I...
Separating Swagger Files Into Individual Models · In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to integrate openAPI into an existing Express application....
The most popular PHP framework now allows you to generate motivational quotes in your terminal to lighten up your day. Try this command today and be...
Sanctum is a great Laravel package for authenticating APIs. Typically, when working with it for API authentication the error you would most likely...